
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

2010 Hop Harvest, year 4

Year four of my homegrown hops is just about over. I've been working on getting my hops harvested this week, probably should have done it at the beginning of August, but, this was the first chance I was able to. Even still, I've doubled everything that I harvested last year.

2010 Hop Harvest #'s
Tettnang: Wet - 19.25 oz.; Dry - 4.5 oz. (77%)
Fuggles: Wet - 13.0 oz.; Dry - 3.25 oz. (75%)
Saaz: Wet - 4.5 oz.; Dry - (1.25?)

Compared to 2009:
Tettnang: Wet - 9.0 oz.; Dry - 2.125 oz.
Fuggles: Wet - 5.125 oz.; Dry - 1 .25 oz.
Saaz: Wet - 2.5 oz.; Dry - 5/8 oz.

I did grow the same hops in 2007 & 2008, but since I wasn't brewing much at all then, I did not keep track of my numbers. I had big plans to expand my "hop yard" to include four new varieties: Chinook, Mt. Hood, Hallertau, and Goldings. I had them in planters, never got a new trellis set up, so they never got in the ground and eventually ended up in the compost pile. One big thing plaguing my plans is whether we are staying at our current location or moving. We have been looking to buy a house since March so that has postponed all permanent projects. Hopefully I'll know before the ground freezes, I'd like to get my current hop plants out of the ground and into their new spot so they can rock out in the spring, and be able to get my trellis set up and set (cement in the ground before it freezes). We shall see!

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