Enjoying an 1809 Berliner Weisse on brewday |
I brewed a nice Rhubarb Berliner Weisse backin 2010 that came out really nice. Going to brew another, and will try a sour mash this time around.
This is a total experiment really. There are a few ways to go about doing it... but I'm planning on doing a full sour mash. Basically, I'm going to mash the entire grist as usual, then I'll let it cool (or assist it to cool) to 120F or below. Then I'll throw in a handful of raw grain and let it sit at 110-120F for a day or more. I'll keep checking the pH and let it go down to maybe like 4.2 or something.
5# Pils
5# Wheat malt
1 oz Hallertau
Sour mash + 1809 dregs + year old Wyeast Berliner Weisse Blend
6/20 MASH (after Brownie):
Single infusion, 12.5 qts @ 165, doughed in, temp @ 149F
30 minutes in, temp @ 147F
60 minutes in, temp @
After XX minutes, temp is now at 120F. Added handful of grain and put in garage covered in blankets.
10:30AM - 105F, no lactic aromas yet, nothing visual either.
6/24 pH CHECK:
The sour mash |
pH meter is a little funky, but it said 3.1.... then I put it in my water (7.8) and it registered a 7.0... so my guess is that the pH was probably about 4.0 maybe more. If it was that low it would have tasted like vinegar. And this actually tasted a little tart, but also nice and sweet. It was nice. I collected 6.5 gallons, and boiled for about 20 minutes. Added .5 oz Hallertau for the boil. Collected about 6 gallons, and added my old packet of Wyeast Berliner Blend, and the dregs from two bottles of 1809. If they don't work, then I'll add a fresh packet of Kolsch yeast that I have on hand.
6/25 - As of 8AM, there was no activity, and the temp was about 68. Pulled my Kolsch yeast and smacked it... pitched Kolsch around 8PM
6/26 - 8AM, very thin layer of foam and bubbles on top... almost thought it was a pellicle at first, but they were definitely clean.
6/26 - 8PM - definitely active now. Temp steady at 64 (on outside of carboy)
6/28 - 8AM - looks like its krausened already, but still bubbling in the airlock. Temp around 66 on outside of carboy. Fermentation chamber working like a frickin charm.
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