I've had 2 watermelon wheats in the past and I've enjoyed both. I'm not sure what triggered my recent interest in brewing one, but whatever... it's gonna happen.
Batch #33
Following a simple American Wheat recipe from Jamil
6# Pale Malt
6# Flaked Wheat
1 oz Hallertauer (60)
Wyeast 1010 American Wheat
3# Watermelon (seedless, diced, and pureed to about 1 gallon)
6/3 BREWDAY (2nd summer hours Friday)
This should be a fairly easy batch. Single infusion batch sparge. Target is 152 for 60 minutes.
13.75 qts @ 166 (in cooler) -> 154, added an ice cube, temp down to 151/152
Mashout w/ 9 qts @ 200 -> 163/164
Collected 4.3 gal, Brix (will add)
Sparged w/ 12 qts
6.5 gallons total collected, pre-boil brix:
We decided to hit up Jazzfest, so I got it boiling and then shut it off and wrapped in blankets.
6/4 Got up and checked the temp around 8:30, still up around 143, not bad for 14 hours. Got it on the burner and got it boiling fairly quickly.
Chilled to what I thought was around 64/65, but after getting it intot he carboy it was close to 70. I thought I'd seal it up and see if it would drop since the ambient temp that day was like 63. Well... it only did by a few degrees, and that was after 12+ hours...
6/5 8:30AM - temp still up around 68, but decided to get this thing pitched anyways. A little nervous that I brewed this Friday, boiled Saturday, and now I'm pitching on Sunday. I hope that doesn't screw it up. I've been careful with keeping it sealed, so I would think it would be safe.
6/7 Fermentation appears to have finished... settled at about 66F in the basement, bubble every 7 seconds. Will still let this go until Friday, then I'll transfer to 2nd on top of the watermelon.
Hacked up 2 seedless watermelons, pureed them, and put 1 gallon of the puree into my fermentation bucket. Racked the beer on top. Gravity is at 1.015.
6/18? KEGGED
Kegged this bad boy today, I tried to filter things out by running the siphon tube into a sanitized grain bag. Worked ok, I figure whatever sediment is left will settle at the bottom.
6/19 - First tasting
A little flat yet, but it has only been a day. Great flavor, cloudy, great aroma. Can't wait for this to be completely carbed.
6/25 - More Tasting
This is a good one, and a quick one. Will have to brew again!
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